Proviron 25


Proviron is the most well known brand name of Mesterolone which is quite a unique steroid with benefits that are specific and different to most other steroids available. Proviron is not really thought of as an anabolic steroid at all, but rather as an oral androgen because it has low anabolic properties.

Proviron is not generally used for bulking and muscle gains as most anabolic steroids are, but it can play a powerful role in steroid cycles and in particular cutting cycles not only directly by its own effects but in the way it interacts with the body to enhance the abilities of other real anabolic steroids you are using.

Being an oral DHT derived compound, Proviron is easy to take and requires no injections. This can make it attractive to new steroid users, but as you will learn this is not a product to just blindly add to a cutting cycle and hope for the best – it has some particular benefits and uses and once you understand these you will be in a prime position to take advantage of everything that Proviron has to offer.

Proviron-25 Benefits

When you consider the main uses of Proviron you can quickly see how unique this steroid is and also just how potentially powerful it can be in the right hands: firstly, Proviron has a stronger affinity for the aromatase enzyme than testosterone itself does, and testosterone being a steroid that aromatizes brings about a rise in estrogen levels and the associated side effects.

Proviron does the exact opposite to this by strongly binding to the aromatase enzyme so the testosterone or other aromatizing steroids you are using from being affected by that enzyme. This can mitigate the rise in the female estrogen hormone that would otherwise normally happen when you’re using testosterone and other aromatizing steroids in your cycle.

That’s not to say that Proviron can completely replace a dedicated aromatase inhibitor drug, but it can certainly contribute to reducing those estrogenic side effects and in cycles where you’re not taking high doses or including very powerful aromatizing steroids, Proviron might in fact be all you need to control estrogen related side effects or at least reduce them to a manageable level.

Another unique action of Proviron is that it can bind to SHBG which in turn prevents testosterone from binding to the sex hormone binding globulin protein. This frees up more testosterone for use by the body, known as free testosterone So the testosterone steroids you’re using along with Proviron will be more active and more potent and able to more powerfully undertake the important tasks of protein synthesis as more of the testosterone will be circulating and not binding to SHBG while Proviron is present.

