In the manual, “Karipazim” is presented as a new tool according to the method of application.

Spine treatment is always associated with many dangers. Hernia is one of the most difficult diseases to treat. Degenerative processes occurring in the intervertebral parts adversely affect human health in general. As can be seen from medical practice, if osteochondrosis is not treated for a long time, the next disease will be hernia. In both the first and second cases, the latest effective drug, Karipazim, can help. This article will discuss the instructions for use and therapeutic effect of the drug.

General information about the drug

Said preparation is developed on a natural basis and applied externally. In the manual, “Karipazim” is presented as a new tool according to the method of application. However, the drug has become popular and has proven to be an effective cure for spinal diseases. It is widely used in medicine in areas such as neurosurgery, orthopedics and traumatology. Most commonly, the drug is used to treat herniated disc electrophoresis. Judging by the ratings, “Karipazin” has helped many patients treat sciatica and osteochondrosis. It is important to note that positive results were observed after the first cycle of external agent use

Hernia is a musculoskeletal disease that occurs as a result of displacement of the intervertebral discs. There was a rupture of the fibrous ring located on the outside of the fibro-cartilaginous formation, which was assigned an important role. The shell, made up of collagen fibers, holds the pulp core in a specific place, which carries the main load when a person performs different movements and lifts loads. Intervertebral discs serve as shock absorbers for humans, providing flexibility to the ridge. When the fibrous ring is damaged, the nucleus moves and the spinal cord crosses the border.
